Port Rankings

TEU Exports and imports via ports of Brazil

Jul, 15, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201929


When analyzing the volumes (in TEUs) exported by the main ports of the country from January to May 2019, compared with the same period of 2018, from the data collected by DataLiner, Datamar, some details stand out.

The main highlight is the Port of Fortaleza (CE), which registered a growth of 93.3% in the first five months of the year, moving 8,822 TEUs against 4,564 TEUs in the same period of 2018.

The Port of Santos continues to be the busiest in the country, having exported from January to May 2019 399,035 TEUs, up 2.44% over the same period in 2018, when the movement was 389,537 TEUs.

The second port that most exported volumes in the first five months of the year was Paranaguá, with 143,845 TEUs, an increase of 16.35% in relation to the same months of last year, when the volume handled was 123,634 TEUs.


 According to information from DataLiner, the largest volume of imports also occurred through the Port of Santos, with 384,895 TEUs during the period from January to May 2019, a decrease of 1.89% in relation to the same period of 2018, which had a volume of imports of 392,313 TEUs.

The second port in the movement of imports in TEUs, Paranaguá, also registered a smaller movement than in 2018. The fall was 6.39%, with imports of 94,771 TEUs from January to May 2019 compared to the same period in 2018 (101,242 TEUs).

A positive highlight was the Port of Itajaí, which imported 68.81% more cargo in the first five months of 2019 (39,766 TEUs) compared to the same period of 2018 (23,556 TEUs).

Check out more information on the following tables, from DataLiner’s data:

TEU by Port DataLiner | 2018 vs 2019 | Exports Brazil

Top POMO 2018 2019 %-diff
1 SANTOS SANTOS 1.027.388 1.057.368 2,92
2 PARANAGUA PARANAGUA 321.061 364.525 13,54
3 NAVEGANTES NAVEGANTES 285.525 273.380 -4,25
4 ITAPOA RIO GRANDE 229.847 234.083 1,84
5 MANAUS ITAPOA 204.194 182.444 -10,65
6 RIO DE JANEIRO ITAJAI 115.818 137.386 18,62
7 SUAPE RIO DE JANEIRO 91.889 97.346 5,94
8 ITAJAI SALVADOR 99.229 96.139 -3,11
9 RIO GRANDE VITORIA 64.712 67.830 4,82
10 SALVADOR VILA DO CONDE 52.766 53.936 2,22
11 VITORIA PORTO DE ITAGUAI 44.852 32.038 -28,57
12 PORTO DE ITAGUAI NATAL 27.767 22.418 -19,26
13 PECEM SUAPE 25.978 22.290 -14,20
14 VILA DO CONDE FORTALEZA 24.145 26.074 7,99
15 IMBITUBA PECEM 21.400 26.711 24,82
16 FORTALEZA MANAUS 17.465 17.259 -1,18
17 NATAL IMBITUBA 19.849 1.585 -92,01
18 PORTO ALEGRE BELEM 4 374 9.250,00
19 OTHERS OTHERS 909 157 -82,73
∑ = 2.674.798 ∑ = 2.713.343

TEU by Port DataLiner | 2018 vs 2019 | Imports Brazil

Top POMD 2018 2019 %-diff
1 SANTOS 969.421 966.648 -0,29
2 PARANAGUA 241.737 246.107 1,81
3 NAVEGANTES 244.692 222.429 -9,10
4 ITAPOA 149.180 186.718 25,16
5 MANAUS 135.716 156.599 15,39
6 RIO DE JANEIRO 128.321 131.288 2,31
7 SUAPE 81.067 82.161 1,35
8 ITAJAI 63.384 116.283 83,46
9 RIO GRANDE 78.400 77.871 -0,67
10 SALVADOR 61.318 71.062 15,89
11 VITORIA 60.754 63.271 4,14
12 PORTO DE ITAGUAI 43.484 40.439 -7,00
13 PECEM 29.803 31.684 6,31
14 VILA DO CONDE 6.578 7.665 16,52
15 IMBITUBA 4.902 1.007 -79,46
16 FORTALEZA 3.480 2.346 -32,59
17 NATAL 1.102 857 -22,23
18 PORTO ALEGRE 374 350 -6,42
19 OTHERS 356 438 23,03
∑ = 2.304.069 ∑ = 2.405.223

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