Ports and Terminals

The deadline for regularizing customs at Porto Velho Organized Port has been extended

Apr, 06, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202214

The deadline for regularizing customs at Porto Velho Organized Port has been extended to 90 days. The decision was published on Monday, April 4, in the Brazilian Federal Gazette. The port is located in the Balsa region of Rondônia’s capital, Porto Velho.

On March 3, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office imposed an administrative punishment against the port for “repeated non-compliance with customs rules.” Initially, the site was given 30 days to correct the matter.

This initial period was supposed to finish on April 2, but it was altered, and the suspension will now begin in July 2022.

Among the changes that the port must implement are installing surveillance cameras, entry and exit security control, and correcting budgetary issues.

If the port does not regularize the customs situation, Brazil’s Federal Revenue will suspend the following activities:

  • Handling, storage, and dispatch of commodities;
  • Berthing and unberthing of foreign vessels or vessels bound overseas;
  • Reception of cargo destined for either exportation or importation.

Source: G1

To read the full original article, please go to:


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