STS53 Santos
Ports and Terminals

The deadline to submit contributions to the bidding of an area of the Port of Santos is extended

Feb, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202207

Antaq will receive contributions referred to the Public Hearing Notice No. 18/2021-ANTAQ until March 16. The consultation’s goal is to solicit input to improve materials linked to the bidding of an area in the Port of Santos (SP). A terminal to transport and store solid mineral bulk, particularly fertilizers and sulfates, will be built in the STS53 area slot.

The prospective lessee will sign a 25-year lease period and invest R$ 659 million over the period. The total cargo handling capacity at the terminal will be around 90 million tonnes, generating a global gross revenue of R$ 6 billion.

STS53 is in the Outeirinhos region of the Santos Port Complex, under the jurisdiction of the Santos Port Authority (SPA). The area is an installation comprising two distinct areas, one adjacent to the pier and the other in the back area, totaling 87,981m².

Brazilian or foreign legal persons, private pension entities, and investment funds may participate in the auction, individually or by forming a consortium.

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