Ports and Terminals

The Federal Revenue retained 16t of counterfeit toys in Santos

Mar, 22, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202212

On Monday, March 21, the Federal Revenue Service seized 16 tonnes of counterfeit toys that were being imported into Brazil in the Port of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo. According to the agency, the commercialization of this type of product brings a series of risks to the population.

Federal Revenue officers selected the container transporting these products for analysis under operation Luneta 2022, which monitors and manages the risks of imports that arrive in the Port of Santos. Information factored into the Revenue Service’s scanning images system denounced the presence of possibly counterfeit toys.

According to the tax authorities, the commercialization of this type of product creates several risks that may go unnoticed by the consumer at first, such as the use of contaminated paint, low-quality products, and small parts that children can swallow.

Also, according to the Brazilian Revenue Service, in addition to health damages, the commercialization of counterfeit products violates intellectual property rights, harms tax collection, raises unemployment rates, encourages unfair competition, and feeds organized crime.

The merchandise retained will be held in the custody of the Federal Revenue until its final destination. According to the agency, counterfeit products are subject to forfeiture and are destined for destruction because they endanger the public’s health.

According to the tax authorities, such an operation is part of the surveillance and repression actions against illegal customs, reinforcing fiscal presence and increasing risk perception.

Source: G1

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