Trade Regulations

The Ministry of Economy clears import tax on 532 products

Sep, 18, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201939

The Ministry of Economy has cleared the import tax of 498 capital goods and 34 computer and telecommunications goods, under the Ex-Tariff condition. The measure took effect on Wednesday (09/18), according to Ordinances Nº. 2,023 and Nº. 2,024 of the Special Secretariat of Foreign Trade and International Affairs (Secint), published in the Official Gazette on Monday (09/16). The ordinance includes tariff reductions on machines used for the production of medicines and medical equipment for exams and surgeries, cranes and tractors for infrastructure projects, industrial robots, among other items.

“With these two new ordinances, there are already more than 2,300 products that have had the import tax zeroed since the beginning of the year, as a way to encourage investment and the modernization of Brazilian factories”, states Fernando Coppe Alcaraz, Secint’s Under-Secretary for Commercial Strategy. “This is yet another measure to reduce investment costs for companies based in Brazil,” added the undersecretary.

Computer Technology

In the computer field, various types of printers traditionally used by small and medium-sized companies are included: inkjet models, polychromatic printers with LED printing systems, and photolithographic inkjet printing machines. The list also includes automatic data processing machines designed for surveillance radar and long-range airspace control, with military and civilian functions.

The responsibility for the technical analysis of Ex-Tariff claims rests with the Secretariat for the Development of Industry, Commerce, Services, and Innovation, of the Special Secretariat for Productivity, Employment, and Competitiveness, also from the Ministry of Economy.

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