Ports and Terminals

The Port of Natal saw an increase in handling rates in January

Feb, 07, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202206

Cargo handling at the Port of Natal increased by 150.10% last month, reaching 105,206 tons. The increase in shipped containers and sugar shipments was decisive for the result. The amount handled in January 2021 was 42,066 tons.

The handling of containers increased by 61.89% compared to last year. In 2020, 2,430 containers were handled, while only 1,501 in 2021. The number of berths also grew in the period, reaching 17 last month. The cargoes handled the most at the port were fruit, sugar, and wheat.

The Areia Branca Salt Terminal also saw a considerable increase of 34.35% in handling. In total, 221,374 tons of salt were shipped in the first month of 2022. In January last year, the amount of salt that left Porto Ilha was 164,775 tons.

Overall data of the Port of Natal:

January 2022: 105,206 tons

January 2021: 42,066 tons

Areia Branca Salt Terminal Data

January 2022: 221,374 tons

January 2021: 164,775 tons

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