Ports and Terminals

The Port of Santos saw a 16% increase in cargo handling in 2022

Mar, 03, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202209

The Port of Santos began the year with a 16% increase in cargo handling (10.6 million tonnes), setting a new high for the month of January, owing primarily to shipments of cellulose, corn, and soybeans.

Solid bulk increased 29.8% over the same period in 2021, thanks to the shipments of soybeans and corn. Liquid bulk also performed well, rising 8.6% with emphasis on fuel oil and caustic soda operations. Finally, loose general cargo grew 63% due to the increase in pulp, iron, and steel shipments, ensuring the best mark for January.

In terms of exports, the shipment of 655 thousand tonnes of pulp (+72%), 1 million tonnes of corn (+67%), as well as 1.3 million tonnes of soybeans (+51.2%) stood out in the month. In terms of imports, the highlight was the unloading of 767 thousand tonnes of fertilizers, a growth of 9.8%.

Containerized cargo operations totaled 384.1 TEU, an increase of 2.5% compared to January 2021, reaching the best historical mark for that month, corroborating the continuity of the growth trend seen last year.

The CEO of Santos Port Authority (SPA), Fernando Biral, emphasizes the importance of implementing, in the Saboó region, the new STS 10 terminal, which will be used to handle containers. The National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) will hold a public consultation and hearing between March 8 and April 21 to obtain contributions and improvements to the STS 10 bidding process.

In January, 379 ships docked at the Port of Santos, an increase of 9.9% over the flow of vessels in the same period last year.

Trade balance

The participation of the Port of Santos in the Brazilian Trade Balance reached 28.3% in January 2022. China accounted for 26.8% of Brazil’s foreign trade transactions that passed through the Santos port complex. São Paulo was the state with the highest participation (53%) in foreign trade transactions through the Port of Santos.

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