Ports and Terminals

The Port of São Francisco do Sul inaugurates a new gate

May, 13, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

To speed up the entry and exit of trucks in the port area, the Port of São Francisco do Sul will open a new gate on May 13th. The opening was authorized by the Federal Revenue earlier this week.

Three modern scales were built on-site. However, the port will use only one experimentally at this first moment. The forecast is that all equipment will be authorized to work in the coming weeks, allowing the port to increase the number of scales from the current two to five.

“The port community has expected the R$4 million project for years, as it will allow São Francisco do Sul to overcome a historic truck movement bottleneck, significantly improving the loading and unloading of goods,” celebrated the port’s president, Cleverton Vieira.

Today, with two operational scales, the port has an average flow of 500 trucks per day, equivalent to 1,000 movements (counting entry and exit of the vehicle). It will be possible to serve up to 1,500 trucks per day with five scales, reaching 3,000 movements.

Modern Equipment

The new gate has cutting-edge technology for inspecting vehicle entry and exit, including biometric driver recognition via the palm of the hand, eliminating the need for drivers to exit trucks. In addition, modern cameras will read and identify vehicle license plates simultaneously, speeding up cargo handling.

These innovations will go into effect once the Federal Revenue Service gives final approval for the three new gates, which should happen between the end of May and the beginning of June.

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