
The revenue derived from coffee exports grew 34% in April

May, 12, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

The revenue from Brazilian exports of coffee in April grew 34.1% compared to April 2021, totaling US$670.7 million. On the other hand, the volume retreated 24.1%, with the shipment of 2.809 million bags of 60 kg.

According to data from the Council of Coffee Exporters in Brazil (Cecafé), in 2022, so far, revenue increased 56.3% compared to the period from January to April last year, from US$ 2.008 billion to the current US$ 3.138 billion.

In turn, the exported volume was 13.585 million bags, 10.6% below the 15.195 million bags shipped abroad in the first four months of 2021.

“From July 2021 to April 2022, the performance of Brazilian coffee exports was similar to that in the calendar year, with shipments falling 16.7%, from 39.927 million bags to the current 33.251 million bags. Revenue exchange rate increased 30.9% from US$ 5.055 billion to US$ 6.616 billion compared to the performance measured in the first ten months of the 2020/21 harvest”, said the entity in a note.

See below the track record of Brazilian exports of coffee from January 2021 to March 2022. These data are from Datamar’s DataLiner.

Brazilian Coffee Exports | Jan. 2021 – Mar. 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The president of Cecafé, Nicolas Rueda, attributed the revenue performance “to the high level in the international and domestic prices of the product, as well as the appreciation of the dollar over the real, which increases the inflow of resources into the country.”

According to him, the decrease in volume shipped reflects the approaching end of the 2021/22 coffee season, as well as a shift in Brazilian industry blends.

“April is the off-season peak of a lower production cycle, with less availability of coffee. In addition, the much higher price of arabica compared to conilon (robusta) made the industrial sector increase the latter’s percentage in its blends, significantly reducing shipments of canephora abroad”, he explains.

Source: Money Times

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