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Other Logistics

Tora Group and MRS create direct rail access to Clia Betim

Oct, 06, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202138

Tora Group’s Clia Betim terminal (center for customs industrial logistics) now has direct rail access, operated by MRS, allowing cargo to be moved directly from the ports of Santos or Rio de Janeiro. The test transport with cargo handling from the port of Rio de Janeiro was successfully completed on October 1st.

Customers who receive cargo imported through the ports of RJ or Santos will now be able to carry out the customs clearance process directly at Clia Betim; this reduces the final costs of the process.

One of the great attractions of this transport model is the fiscal benefits offered by the government of Minas Gerais for those who clear imported cargo at Clia Betim.

Source: Blog do Caminhoneiro

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