Trade balance closes 3rd week of July with USD 38.10bn in Brazil
Jul, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202229
The Brazilian trade balance recorded a surplus of USD 38.10 billion up to the third week of July, with a reduction of 7.8% from January to July last year, according to the daily average. The trade flow rose 24.8% in the same comparison frame, reaching US$ 324.10 billion. Exports grew 20.3% and totaled US$ 181.10 billion, while imports rose 30.9% and totaled US$ 143 billion. The data was released on Monday, July 18, by the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy.
In July, the trade balance surplus reached USD 3.79 billion up until the month’s third week, up 2.7% over July 2021, and the trade flow rose 38.2%, reaching US$ 30.16 billion. Exports grew 33.1%, totaling US$ 16.98 billion. Imports increased 45.5% and totaled US$ 13.19 billion.
In the third week of the month alone, the surplus was US$ 1.387 billion, and the trade flow reached US$ 13.184 billion, reflecting exports worth US$ 7.285 billion and imports worth US$ 5.898 billion.
July exports
In the month-to-date, exports from the agriculture industry grew 66%, totaling US$ 4.17 billion. The expansion was mainly driven by the growth in sales of unground corn, except sweet corn (+183.3%), unroasted coffee (+89.9%), and soybeans (+57.8%).
In the Extractive Industry, sales increased 2.6% until the third week of July, reaching US$ 3.81 billion. The most notable increases were found in sales of other crude minerals (+111.3%), copper ores and their concentrates (+66.1%), and crude oil or crude bituminous minerals (+98%).
In the Processing Industry, shipments climbed by 38.4% to USD 8.96 billion. The largest increases were seen in the sale of sugar and molasses (+65.3%), petroleum fuel oils or bituminous minerals, except crude oils (+103.8%), and vegetable fats and oils, “soft,” crude, refined, or fractionated (+188.6%).
July imports
On the import side, Secex registered a decline of 0.3% in agricultural purchases, which totaled US$ 227.96 million. Despite the reduction in the general daily average, there was an increase in the arrival of unground wheat and rye (+32.1%), unground corn, except sweet corn (+77.5%), and non-oleaginous fruits and nuts, fresh or dry (+22.5%).
In the Extractive Industry, landings grew 24.8% and reached US$ 724.94 million. The biggest increases were among purchases of crude fertilizers, except for manure (+197.2%), coal, including in powder form but not agglomerated (+52%), and crude petroleum or bituminous mineral oils (+65.2%).
Imports from the Processing Industry grew 48.6%, reaching US$ 12.13 billion. The biggest increases were from petroleum fuel oils or bituminous oils (+128.7%), chemical fertilizers (+187.9%), and insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, and growth regulators for plants, disinfectants, etc. (+137%).
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