trade balance / balança comercial

Trade balance records a surplus of US$ 1.445 billion in the first week of January

Jan, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202202

In the first week of 2022, Brazil’s trade balance recorded a surplus of US$1.445 billion (January 1st to 9th). The figure was attained with exports of US$ 5.842 billion and imports of US$ 4.396 billion, according to data issued by the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the Ministry of Economy on Monday, October 10th.

The daily average of exports increased by 56.3% compared to the daily average in January, with a growth of US$ 106.77 million (131.7%) in agriculture, US$ 60.68 million (25.6 %) in the extractive industry, and US$ 250.27 million (58.8 %) in transformation industry items.

On the other hand, imports, also compared to the daily average, rose 16% in the period, registering a decrease of US$ 3.76 million (-18.1%) in Agriculture; growth of US$ 35.61 million (130.5%) in the extractive industry and growth of US$ 93.93 million (13.6%) in products from the transformation industry.

Source: UOL

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