Ports and Terminals

Transpetro conducts green bunker performance tests

Jan, 10, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202302

In an attempt to sell fuels with less environmental impact, Petrobras developed a green bunker at its Research, Development, and Innovation Center (Cenpes) in Rio de Janeiro. Bunker is the generic name given to the fuels used in the propulsion and generation of electricity in ships. What is new, though, is the addition of ten percent of biodiesel in its composition.

Petrobras already commercialize bunkers with low sulfur content exclusively, or VLSFO (Very low sulphur fuel oil), and the addition of biodiesel to its composition is expected to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by around 7%. The ship Darcy Ribeiro from the Transpetro fleet was the first to receive this new type of fuel.

The fueling operation occurred on Dec 31 at the company’s pier in the Port of Rio Grande. According to the terminal manager, Cristiano Godoi Maia, aspects like engine performance and burning efficiency will be evaluated so that the fuel can start to be sold on a large scale.

According to Petrobras’s information, the test results on the ship Darcy Ribeiro are considered very positive. Transpetro provides bunkers for vessels operating in the Port of Rio Grande, and those sailing along the coast that decide to refuel in the Rio Grande do Sul port.

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