Ports and Terminals

Truce pauses year-long auditors protest at the Port of Santos

Dec, 08, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202249

After almost a year, the work-to-rule protest led by Federal Revenue auditors was suspended in a moment of truce. The fiscal agents plan to see how the government-elect will respond to their demands, and thus, the protest was withheld for 90 days.

The decision was taken on November 30 after the Federal agents gathered in an assembly. Parallelly, the issue was brought up to the transition team appointed by elect-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Among the auditors’ demands are holding a new civil service admissions process, the return of the agency’s funds in Brazil’s Annual Budget Law for 2023, and the regulation of Law 13.464/17, which provides for the payment of a productivity bonus for federal auditors.

The information was disclosed by Elias Carneiro Junior, president of the Federal Revenue auditors union in Santos. Notwithstanding, according to him, there is still a line of build-up cargo to unclog in the Port of Santos since the protest began on December 21 last year.

“The cargo clearing processes aren’t going smoothly but are heading toward normality. There are build-up stocks, many things that had been standing idle,” comments Carneiro.

The unionist also points out that the transition team heard representatives of the category. “We suspended the work-to-rule operation and will only maintain isolated public demonstrations.”


According to José Roque, executive director of the Sao Paulo-based Union of Maritime Shipping Agencies (Sindamar), the situation has improved since last year. “The problem was more drastic for imports. In some cases, it took auditors up to 30 days to clear cargo, especially in the case of bulk shipments. People linked to the wheat and fertilizer sectors came to the point of holding a protest.”

In exports, the protest created a situation of delayed container clearing and a lack of equipment. “The situation is back to normal now, with problems arising when dispatch was not arranged in time. On the other hand, when cargoes go to the red channel [the most inspection-intensive path towards being cleared by customs], clearance takes three to five days.”

Source: A Tribuna

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/auditores-da-receita-federal-suspendem-operacao-padrao-no-porto-de-santos

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