Ports and Terminals

Truckers go on strike demanding road renovation at Port of Santos

Jan, 30, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202405

Independent truckers’ union Sindicam unleashed a strike on the morning of January 30, demanding better asphalt conditions on the roads leading to the Port of Santos terminals, as well as better conditions in the Alemoa region.

The union argued in a press release that the Alemoa region, which sees a lot of truck traffic, had potholes turn into craters due to the heavy rains that occurred in January. According to the union, this situation has led to increased congestion and difficulty in navigating the roads, causing damage to vehicles.

The union went on to say that they reported the circumstances that truckers and other drivers faced to Santos City Hall. But in spite of the notice, no meaningful roadwork has been done, so the strike will begin at 7 a.m. on Tuesday and last until the asphalt issue is fixed.

The strike directly impacts the Port of Santos. Newspaper A Tribuna sought a statement from the City Hall regarding the claims made by the union but had not received a response as of the publication of this article.

Source: A Tribuna

Click here to read the original news report: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/caminhoneiros-entram-em-greve-por-falta-de-obras-no-asfalto-da-alemoa-no-porto-de-santos

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