Ports and Terminals

Tugboats that collided with Porto Alegre bridge successfully retrieved

May, 06, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202418

The operation to retrieve the two tugboats that collided with the new Guaíba bridge in Porto Alegre on Friday (3) was successfully completed on Saturday (4). Following the incident, the vessels were safely moored in a nearby marina until the water level receded, allowing for their removal.

Promptly after the collision, the individual accountable for the tugboats reached out to the Port Authority, seeking assistance in relocating and securing the vessels in a secure location.

Prior to the operation, extensive discussions took place involving Portos RS, the Porto Alegre River Authority, the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT), which oversees the bridge, the shipowner, and the contracted removal company, SulNorte.

The salvage operation concluded around 8 pm, with the tugboats being transported to the Bianchini pier in Canoas. They will remain there until the water levels of Lake Guaíba normalize, facilitating their permanent removal by the shipowner.

Portos RS expresses gratitude for the collaborative efforts of all involved, ensuring the safe and efficient execution of these operations.

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