
Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, U.N. to meet on grain exports

Jul, 13, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202228

Military delegations from Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey will meet U.N. officials in Istanbul on Wednesday to discuss a possible deal to resume safe exports of Ukraine grain from the major Black Sea port of Odesa as a global food crisis worsens.

Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar announced the meeting on July 12. Turkey has been working with the United Nations to broker a deal after Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine stoked global prices for grains, cooking oils, fuel, and fertilizer.

According to diplomats, elements of the plan being discussed include Ukrainian vessels guiding grain ships in and out through mined port waters; Russia agreeing to a truce while shipments move; and Turkey – supported by the United Nations – inspecting ships to allay Russian fears of weapons smuggling.

“We are working hard indeed but there is still a way to go,” U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told reporters on Tuesday. “Many people are talking about it. We prefer to try and do it.”

Ukraine and Russia are key global wheat suppliers, while Russia is also a large fertilizer exporter, and Ukraine is a significant producer of corn and sunflower oil.

Russia’s invasion and sea blockade of Ukraine have stalled exports, leaving dozens of ships stranded and more than 20 million tonnes of grain stuck in silos at Odesa.

The coming harvest is also at risk as Ukraine is now short of storage space due to the halt in exports.

Even if a deal is struck to resume Ukrainian exports, diplomats say shipping and insurance companies will then require assurances to restart trade given the risks in navigating mined waters. Ukraine fears that de-mining its ports would leave it far more vulnerable to Russian attack from the Black Sea.

Ukraine’s foreign ministry on Tuesday stressed the role of the United Nations in the talks and the need for “a solution that will guarantee the security of the southern regions of our country,” spokesperson Oleg Nikolenko told Reuters.

Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said last month that Moscow can “provide safe passage” for Ukraine grain shipments, but was not responsible for establishing the corridors.

The United Nations is also working to try and facilitate Russian grain and fertilizer exports, which Moscow says have been hindered by Western sanctions.

The United States says Russian grain and fertilizer are not sanctioned and has offered to give written assurances to shipping companies and importing countries.

Source: Reuters

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