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Uruguay dairy exports climb 22%

Aug, 26, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202234

Dairy exports from Uruguay have increased 22% year on year in 2022, totaling $490.2 million, according to the National Milk Institute (Inale). The most important export product was whole milk powder but skimmed milk powder and butter grew the most comparatively.

The main destinations of Uruguay’s exports in the last 12 months were Algeria, China, and Brazil.

Between January and July 2022, exports of whole milk powder generated US$ 278.2 million in income, unchanged from the same period in 2021, whereas, in July alone, the country invoiced US$ 41.6 million.

Exports of skimmed milk powder YTD totaled US$ 60.6 million (an increase of 259%); in July, it was US$ 9.5 million. Cheese sales generated revenue of $61.3 million YTD (55% more than in 2021); in July, it was US$ 8.9 million. Butter exports between January and July were worth US$ 53.1 million (139%); in July, US$ 6.8 million.

Dairy exports totaled US$ 72.0 million in July; from January and July, they totaled US$ 490.2 million (22%).

Exports by volume

Exports of whole milk powder from January-July 2022 reached 69,432 tonnes (-15% less); in July, sales totaled 9,938 tonnes.

Sales of skimmed milk powder led to the shipment of 16,326 tonnes in the year (+190%); in July, the shipments caught up to 2,330 tonnes.

Cheese exports fell to 13,634 (-5%) YTD, and in July, they accounted for 1,767 tonnes. Butter sales were 9,840 tonnes (+72%), with 1,052 tonnes sold in July.

Please find below the track record of containerized exports of dairy products from Uruguay from January 2021 to June 2022. The Mercosur customs codes included in the chart are: HS 0400, HS 0401, HS 0402, HS 0403, HS 0404, and HS 0405. The data are from DataLiner.

Uruguay Dairy Exports | Jan 2021 – Jun 22 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Source: Milk Point

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.milkpoint.com.br/noticias-e-mercado/giro-noticias/uruguai-exportacoes-de-lacteos-cresceram-22-231176/

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