Other Cargo

Uruguay: first ship laden with UPM2 pulp embarks from Port of Montevideo

May, 24, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202324

The Saga Faith ship departed from the Port of Montevideo carrying 47,000 tonnes of pulp, with 20,000 tonnes sourced by UPM2 in Pueblo Centenario, Durazno, and the remaining amount from the first plant in Fray Bentos.

The cargo loading took place at UPM’s new specialized pulp terminal, which operates around the clock, seven days a week, involving a logistics operation employing over 100 workers. Approximately 30 ships carrying chemical inputs for the new UPM plant are anticipated to arrive at the port annually, while 70 ships will load pulp for export.

“The progress made by Uruguay today, as it has throughout its history, demonstrates its firm belief that the growth of a country lies not only in the Public Administration but also in partnerships with private actors,” stated the chief of Transportation at the inauguration ceremony. The event was attended by Juan Curbelo, President of the National Ports Administration (ANP), as well as authorities from the National Customs and Prefectural Directorate.

By expressing the significance of this milestone, Falero extended gratitude to the company for its confidence in the nation. He remarked, “We welcome all those who have faith in Uruguay and trust in our country to continue growing together. We face a tremendous challenge ahead… Thank you for placing your trust in this small country, but above all, thank you for aiding our continued growth and providing opportunities for our people,” he concluded.

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