Trade Regulations

US-Brazil trade rebounds from its biggest downturn in 11 years and rises by 10.9%

Jun, 23, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202126

After bottoming out in 2020, trade between Brazil and the United States is recovering for the first time in 11 years, thanks mainly to expanded Brazilian exports totaling US$ 10.671 billion, up 25.5% for the first five months compared to the same period in 2020. American exports had a much more modest increase, in the order of 1.5%, to US$ 13.485 billion.

The trade flow (exports + imports) registered an increase of 10.9%, totaling US$ 24.163 billion. During the period, the United States had a trade surplus with Brazil of US$ 2.807 billion. The data are from SECEX (the foreign trade secretariat) of the Ministry of Finance.


See below a history of maritime cargo handling between Brazil and the USA based on DataLiner data:

Maritime Import and Export between Brazil and USA | Jan to Dec 2011 to 2020 | WTMT

Graph source: DataLiner  (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

The year 2020 was marked by a profound contraction in bilateral trade. Brazilian exports fell 27.8%, totaling US$ 21.471 billion and, in absolute terms, the United States was the most affected partner among Brazil’s main trading partners. American exports also fell, 19.8% compared to 2019, totaling US$ 27.876 billion. Last year, bilateral trade flows totaled US$49.347 billion and generated a trade surplus of US$6.405 billion in favor of the Americans.


Source: Comex do Brasil

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