US government inspects properties for mango exports
Oct, 05, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202138
In September, a delegation of the United States government visited mango-producing properties in Petrolina (PE), which export the fruit to that country. The annual inspection to assesses fruit quality is part of the program to export mangos to the USA that was suspended for two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It has now resumed with the start of the 2021 mango-export season.
The group was received by representatives of MAPA (the ministry of agriculture, livestock, and food supply), the federal superintendencies of Pernambuco and Bahia, VIGIAGRO agricultural defense agencies of the two states, and irrigated fruit growing producers from VALEXPORT (the Vale do São Francisco association of producers and exporters of horticulture and derivatives).
Mango export
In 2020, national mango exports reached the value of U$S 246.9 million, with the sale of 243,200 tons, according to the Embrapa Semiárido (PE) Mango Market Observatory. In export volume, the numbers represented an increase of 13% compared to 2019, remaining above average throughout the year.
The Tommy Atkins varieties are mainly destined for the North American market; and Kent, Keitt, and Palmer are mainly destined for Europe.
Located in the semi-arid region of the northeast, the region of Vale do São Francisco leads the country’s mango exports, with 212,200 tons last year, corresponding to 87% of the total exported by Brazil.
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