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US increases imports of beef tallow from Brazil, says agency

Jun, 17, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202424

American beef tallow imports surged by 377% between January and April this year compared to the same period last year, with Brazil accounting for 40% of the volumes, according to Bloomberg. In 2023, Brazil represented 23% of American beef tallow imports.

Fuel producers like Diamond Green Diesel LLC and Marathon Petroleum Corp. are turning to the international market for cheaper raw materials to produce renewable diesel, which has the same molecule as fossil diesel but is made from renewable sources.

Renewable diesel made from beef tallow or used oil has a smaller carbon footprint than that made from soybean oil, leading to higher tax credits in California, where most of the United States’ green diesel is consumed. In 2025, a significant tax benefit is expected to come into effect, making beef tallow and used oil more competitive compared to vegetable oils.

In 2022, American company Darling Ingredients purchased Brazilian firm FASA, becoming the largest supplier of beef tallow for its joint venture with Valero, the Diamond Green Diesel company.

In addition to Brazilian beef tallow, the US has also increased imports of used cooking oil, primarily from China.

Source: Globo Rural

Click here to read the original text in Portuguese: https://globorural.globo.com/pecuaria/boi/noticia/2024/06/eua-elevam-importacao-de-sebo-bovino-do-brasil-diz-agencia.ghtml

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