drought damages soybean harvest

US sells 211,800 t of 2022/23 crop wheat up to Oct 6

Oct, 17, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202241

US exporters informed sales of 211,800 tonnes of wheat from the 2022/23 crop in the week ended October 6, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported on the 14th.

The main buyers were Japan (65,200 t), Thailand (55,000 t), Mexico (38,500 t), Philippines (35,100 t) and Venezuela (29,000 t), which offset the cancellations made by Nigeria (24,300 t) and undisclosed destinations (5,000 t).

There were no sales on record from the 2023/24 season in the week.

The crop was sold within the range predicted by Dow Jones Newswires’ analysts, who anticipated a volume of between 200 and 500 thousand tons per week.

Shipments totaled 560.5 thousand tonnes. The main destinations in the period were China (135,600 t), Iraq (105,000 t), the Philippines (63,600 t), South Korea (55,000 t), and Taiwan (39,100 t).

Source: Money Times

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/eua-vendem-2118-mil-t-de-trigo-da-safra-2022-23-na-semana-ate-dia-6-diz-usda/

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