Ports and Terminals

Users criticize new screening yard charge at the Port of Salvador

Feb, 17, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202308

Users of the Port of Salvador (BA) criticized the imposition of a new charge for compensating the use of a possible new screening yard for cargo trucks entering the port.

The president of Usuport (Bahia Port Users Association), Paulo Villa, reported that he is concerned about the scope of regulation of this charge since the land area is located outside the port, at a distance of 24 kilometers.

In October last year, Codeba port authority opened a public call to find possible operators willing to economically explore the screening and parking yard for trucks destined for or coming from the Port of Salvador. The company that wins the call will have to, in addition to exploring, build the new yard within 12 months of signing the contract.

The charge was considered mandatory by the public company in November last year, as announced in an executive order. November last year via ordinance. Since the decision, Usuport has already forwarded two letters opposing the fee collection. Villa said that, so far, the association has not received a response from Codeba.

One of the points raised by the association is that this new yard could reduce the efficiency of trucks bound for the Port of Salvador and increase logistics costs. Another reason given is that 87% of the port’s road cargo already goes through the sorting process via the container terminal’s prior scheduling system, and there is no reason for the dock company to repeat the operation, according to the association.

Source: Agência Infra

To read the original reporting, please visit: https://www.agenciainfra.com/blog/associacao-critica-nova-cobranca-em-patio-de-triagem-no-porto-de-salvador/

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