
Vale discontinues part of operations at Brucutu mine

Sep, 13, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201938

Vale has discontinued its works on a mining front at the Brucutu mine in São Gonçalo do Rio Baixo, Minas Gerais. According to the company, this action will not impact the production of the Brucutu mine.

The suspension complies with a determination from the National Mining Agency (ANM), based on the agency’s understanding that one of the mining fronts in execution exceeds the limits of the mineral reserves approved by the agency for the respective area. However, Vale states that all requirements of the agency for the execution of mining were met and reported in the economic recovery plan presented to the agency in 2017.

Vale says it will take appropriate action in this case and reaffirms its guidance for sales of iron ore and pellets from 307m to 332m tons for 2019, as previously disclosed.

Onça Puma

Still regarding Vale, the company informed that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) decided, in the case of the Suspension of Injunction and Suspension of Provisional Guardianship, to determine the return of operations (mines and mill) of the nickel venture of Onça Puma, headquartered in Ourilândia do Norte (PA).

With the release, the venture that had been in the Onça and Puma mines, paralyzed since September 2017, and the nickel processing plant, paralyzed since June this year, return to its activities.

The Supreme Court also ordered the release of judicial deposits to the indigenous Xikrin do Cateté and Kayapo, which were blocked by the decision of the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region in Writ of Mandamus filed by Vale.

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