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Value generated from Brazil’s cachaça exports reach record highs

Jan, 20, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202303

Cachaça, the second most loved alcoholic beverage among Brazilians, second only to beer, is also gaining popularity among international consumers. Last year, exports from the cachaça industry soared, breaking the previous twelve-year high. According to ComexStat (Ministry of Economy) data compiled by the Brazilian Institute of Cachaça (IBRAC), the value exported in 2022 was US$ 20.08 million, representing a 52.8% increase over 2021. The increase in volume was 29.03%, totaling more than 9.3 million liters.

In 2022, the distilled spirit was exported to more than 75 countries, with the top-ranking destinations (in value) being: the United States, Germany, Portugal, France, and Italy.

This success is the result of the efforts of companies that have invested in the international market over the years, as well as strategic actions such as the Sectorial Project “Cachaça: Taste the New, Taste Brasil” carried out by the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (ApexBrasil) in collaboration with IBRAC. The project-supported companies were responsible for at least 65.4% of this record export value.

Since 2012, “Cachaça: Taste the New, Taste Brasil” has promoted exports in the industry, generating recognition, healthy competitive behavior, and displaying the versatility of the product around the world. The Project takes place through an agreement between the two bodies, which is renewed every two years. The current one has been in force since 2020 and was extended until March 2023. Last year, of the 67 companies supported by the Project, 29 exported an amount worth US$ 12.08 million. The primary destinations were the United States, Germany, Portugal, France, and Spain.

Source: Apex Brasil

To read the full original reporting, please access: https://apexbrasil.com.br/br/pt/conteudo/noticias/cachaca-recorde-exportacoes-valor-apoio-apexbrasil-ibrac.html

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