
Vehicle exports fell 7% year-on-year in February

Mar, 08, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202011

Anfavea (The National Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association) announced on Friday, March 6th that in February the production of cars, light commercial vehicles, trucks and buses grew 6.5% in Brazil compared to the previous month, to 204,200 units. In comparison with February 2019, there was a decline of 20.8%. Vehicle sales increased by 3.9%, reaching 201,000 units. In relation to February 2019 however, the increase was only 1.2%.  On the export side, in February, 37,700 vehicles were shipped abroad – an 83.4% rise compared to January, but a 7% year-on-year decrease.

The following graph shows the production and export of light vehicles from Brazil between January 2011 and February 2020:

Source: Anfavea

The chart below shows the production and exports of CKD vehicles (Completely Knocked Down vehicles assembled at a local manufacturing facility) from Brazil between January 2011 and February 2020:

Source: Anfavea

The graph below shows the production and export of Brazilian trucks between January 2011 and February 2020:

Source: Anfavea

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