Ports and Terminals

Vessel collides with mooring berth in the Port of Santos

Jun, 14, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202224

A Liberia-flagged carrier collided against a mooring berth at warehouse 16 in the Port of Santos in the early afternoon of June 13. The Santos Port Authority (SPA), which manages the port complex, reports that no one was injured and that the vessel is loaded with 71 tonnes of sugar.

The accident was recorded by passengers on a small boat crossing from Santos and Vicente de Carvalho, Guarujá.

SPA informed it activated the Emergency Plan procedure to assess environmental damage and checked that there were no signs of oil at sea or any leak from the collision. Rumo also reported sending teams to provide “all support” to deal with the incident.

The ship remains moored at the same location, awaiting, by order of the Navy, inspection to know whether or not it can continue to its destination.

According to the Marine Traffic website, the vessel from Liberia is a bulk carrier and arrived at the Port of Santos from Vietnam. It was built in 2003.

Source: Diário do Litoral

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.diariodolitoral.com.br/santos/navio-colide-em-berco-de-atracacao-no-porto-de-santos-assista/157505/

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