Vessel mooring workers go into strike at the Port of Itaqui
Nov, 21, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202246
More than 70 vessel mooring workers have been laid off recently at the Port of Itaqui in Maranhão state. In response, workforce members held a demonstration in Itaqui, paralyzing its activities on Friday, Nov 18.
The group emitted a press release about it (free translation below):
Ship mooring workers in Itaqui are being subjected to severe violations of their rights and working conditions. The patrimony of rights of these workers, which had been won over the years of performance in this category, was severely harmed by a change in the hiring policy of the companies that carry out this activity in the Port of Itaqui under the administration of Emap.
Even though Emap had recently completed a bidding process that granted the winning company the right to conduct activities for another year, Emap decided unilaterally to allow other companies to receive accreditation to carry out similar functions in the port, leaving the contract-winning company without enough services to collect the funds necessary to honor the payments due to its workers, ultimately resulting in the layoff of 72 workers.
As a result, the Maritime Transportation Workers Union of Maranhão, which also represents ship moorers, goes public to denounce the situation that left them unprotected and directly affected the ability to honor the labor commitments that had been established for the workers until-then employed at the port managed by Emap.
We should also bring attention to the fact that the companies currently offering vessel mooring services are not respecting the safety measures required for this activity, let alone respecting the labor rights obtained by moorers in the past, hence the depreciation of wages by half.
Source: Portal Guara
To read the full original article, please access: https://portalguara.com/trabalhadores-de-amarracao-de-navios-do-porto-do-itaqui-fazem-paralisacao/
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