
Vessel quarantined at Port of Santos due to Covid-19 case

Feb, 28, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202108

On February 25, ANVISA (the national health-surveillance authority) confirmed that a ship is in quarantine at the Port of Santos. The vessel registered a positive case of Covid-19 and will be waiting for 14 days at the Santos pier. A second ship is expected to be released soon after crew members test negative.

According to the regulatory agency, the ship ‘Federal Lyra’ was carrying sulfur and arrived in the region on February 20, coming from the Republic of Cameroon. It did not dock, as there was already information that a crew member was isolated on suspicion of the disease. All 20 crew members were tested, and only one of them tested positive for the coronavirus. Activities were halted, and the ship awaits off the coast of Santos.

2nd ship

The second vessel is the ‘MZ Sam’, which docked on February 22 on the right bank of the Port of Santos. The vessel was in cabotage activity, coming from Rio Grande do Norte. With 16 crew members, the ship underwent tests for the disease on February 22, after seven crew members requested repatriation.

One of them tested positive. However, control tests showed negative results for the entire crew. Also according to ANVISA, the ship is waiting to be released.

About five months ago, the Port of Santos did not register ships in quarantine. The last vessel to stay at the Santos pier for 14 days because of Covid-19 cases was the container ship  ‘Pacific Trader’, on September 6.

Source: G1

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