Ports and Terminals

Vessel stranded at São Francisco do Sul is successfully recovered

Mar, 10, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202012

According to a note released by the Port of São Francisco do Sul, at 02h48min on 9 March, the bulk carrier AEOLIAN GRACE, which was stranded in the Lage Parcel da Torre, was successfully recovered.  The vessel, loaded with 65,804 tons of soy, was stuck at a transition area between the evolution basin and internal channel. It was removed from the grounding point and forwarded to anchorage area 5, in Babitonga bay where it will undergo an inspection.

Exceptional conditions of the ‘sizígia’ tide, which reached 1.6 meters in height, plus support from four tugboats, an environmental emergency base, pilotage, a specialized salvage company, the Port Authority and the coordination of the Maritime Authority, all made it possible for the vessel to withdraw from its stranded position. Operations have returned to normal, vessel entry and exit maneuvers already taking place, within the current operational parameters for the Port of São Francisco do Sul.

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