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Vietnam breaks mineral fertilizer export record

Nov, 25, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202247

Since the beginning of 2022, Vietnam has supplied nearly 1.39 million tonnes of mineral fertilizers worth USD 886 million to the world market, 45.4% more in volume and 166% more in value compared to last year.

A similar result is associated with a sharp increase in the price of mineral fertilizers: judging by official data, export prices for them in January-September 2022 increased by 83%.

Currently, Vietnam produces 29 million tonnes of mineral fertilizers, while domestic demand does not exceed 11 million tonnes per year. Therefore, Vietnamese companies are striving to expand the geography of their supplies around the world.

Source: Global Fert

To read the full original article, please go to: https://globalfert.com.br/noticias/mercado/vietna-bate-recorde-de-exportacao-de-fertilizantes-minerais/

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