Other Logistics

VLI and COPI announce to create a new fertilizer logistics corridor in Brazil’s Northern Arc

Jul, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

The logistics company VLI and Companhia Operatora Portuária do Itaqui (COPI) formalized a partnership to create a new railway branch for transporting fertilizers. The new branch will connect to the grid of the north-central corridor and the COPI terminal at the Port of Itaqui (MA)

As announced by the companies on July 22, the fertilizer will be transported to a new intermodal terminal that will be built in Palmeirante, in Tocantins.

The works valued at BRL 200 million will start in August.

The initial handling capacity provided by this new structure will be 1.5 million tons per year.

Source: Money Times

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