
Vli integrated systems starts to move cargo loaded with soy

Feb, 03, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202306

VLI’s integrated system began moving its’ first trains loaded with the 2022/23 soybean crop.

The multimodal system managed by VLI allows soy harvested, mainly, in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins, Maranhão and Mato Grosso, to be destined for export in three different port complexes: São Luís (MA), Vitória (ES) and Santos (SP), informs the company, in a statement.

The Brazilian 2022/23 soybean harvest should reach a record 152.71 million tons, 22.2% higher than the 2021/22 harvest (125.55 million tons), according to the most recent survey by the National Supply Company (Conab).

To handle this flow, which starts now and runs through the second half of the year, with peaks in February, March, April and July, the company uses three logistical corridors: the Mid-Southeast and Mid-East Corridors of Centro-Atlântica Railroad (FCA), in addition to the northern section of the North-South Railroad (FNS).

Other company assets are: the Integrator Terminals of Araguari, Pirapora and Uberaba, in Minas Gerais; the Porto Nacional and Palmeirante Terminals, in Tocantins; in addition to the Porto Franco Integrator Terminal, in Maranhão, which started operating in the second half of 2022.

According to VLI, the initial shipments took place at the end of January and departed from the Integrator Terminal in Araguari (MG), from where the cargo follows the Ferrovia Centro-Atlântica towards the port of Tubarão, in Espírito Santo; also by FCA, shipments were registered through the Integrator Terminal of Uberaba (MG), destined for the Luiz Antonio Mesquita Port Terminal (Tiplam), in Baixada Santista. The company’s northern system also recorded movements, in the flow that goes from the Integrator Terminal of Palmeirante, in Tocantins, to the port system of São Luís (MA).

The Grain Commercial Manager at VLI, Bruno Pantoja, said that “the integration between ports, railroads and terminals brings efficiency and reliability to our customers, allowing the Brazilian crop to be exported to different destinations in the world”.

Source: Money Times

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