Other Logistics

VLI receives the first wave of wagons for specialty cellulose transport operations

Jun, 07, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202223

VLI and LD Celulose received the first wave of wagons to transport specialty cellulose in joint operations. In this first stage, approximately 30 wagons were delivered. They will be used to transport cargo between Indianópolis (Minas Gerais) and the Port of Barra do Riacho (Espírito Santo), currently managed by Portocel, from where the commodity will ship to Asia.

The first operation is expected to take place at the beginning of the second half of 2022, with the arrival of another 30 new wagons. The Central-East Corridor of the Centro-Atlântica Railroad (FCA) will be the main route for transporting the cargo, which will connect to the Vitória a Minas Railroad (EFVM).

“One year after we closed the official partnership with LD Celulose, we will start transporting the cargo entirely by rail thanks to the co-creation of a customized operation to meet our customer’s needs,” says Alexandre Biller, manager of Business Development at VLI.

Such operation results from a 2021 agreement that calls for the transportation of 500 thousand tonnes of specialty cellulose per year from the recently-built factory in Indianópolis. The contract is valid for 30 years and will create conditions for investments in rail yards, origin and destination terminals,  the acquisition of new locomotives, in addition to the development of a unique railcar fleet for this operation.

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