Other Logistics

VLI Tops 1 Million Tons in Bauxite Movement to CBA Company

Jan, 22, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202404

VLI achieved a record in the bauxite movement on behalf of Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) in 2023. The company, which operates ports, railways, and terminals, transported 1 million tonnes for its client, topping the previous record set in 2022 when 971 thousand tons of this raw material used in aluminum production were hauled. This logistic operation begins in Brasília and runs towards the city of Alumínio (São Paulo) through the Southeast corridor of the FCA railroad.

According to Márcio Marques, Commercial Manager for Industries and Minerals, the result mirrors the robust performance of aluminum demand in the Brazilian market, driven by consumer goods, construction, and automotive sectors. He also emphasizes investments in planning and ongoing maintenance of the permanent way, wagons, and locomotives, enabling operational stability and achieving growing results.

“The efficiency and high schedule reliability are important attributes of the railway mode, which generates value and operational gains for our customers, which is always VLI’s focus. On top of that, railways are more sustainable, considering that road freight is up to nine times more pollutant-intensive,” he stated. VLI’s cargo throughput in 2023 would require approximately 40 thousand truck trips.

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