Other Cargo

VLI’s rail terminal in Palmeirante to run operational tests in August

Aug, 09, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202232

VLI will run the first operational tests on its new fertilizer hub at the Palmeirante Terminal, Tocantins. The structure’s construction began in the second half of 2021 in partnership with Copi, the company that manages the Port of Itaqui. Copi is in charge of the building and operations at the railway terminal connected to the coast.

The fertilizer hub centered at the Palmeirante terminal is strategically important for cargo movement in so-called Brazil’s Northern Arc considered the new national agricultural frontier.

The facility is currently at an advanced level, with almost 70% of the construction finished, including a balloon loop, railway tracks, and a 60,000-ton unloading and storage hopper. Fertilizers will be transported from the port at São Luís (MA) to Palmeirante (TO), supplying Tocantins, the northeast part of Mato Grosso, Pará, and Piauí.

According to VLI’s commercial manager for agribusiness and liquid bulk, Gabriel Fonseca, this project brings several benefits to the state. “The new fertilizer corridor can supply a highly productive region, in addition to being a seed for the development of an industrial hub,” he highlights.

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