fruit exports

Weaker domestic demand and strong dollar drive fruit exports

Dec, 07, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202147

In 2020, revenue from fruit exports was US$ 935.4 million. And with just a short time to close the year, there is still hope of hitting the goal of US$ 1 billion after reaching US$ 995 million by the end of November, according to a government survey.

Market performance shows that Brazilians’ flat income encouraged the sector to export more and also shows that the logistical problems with containers and ships – which harmed coffee, for example – and the costs of air freight (various fragile species use this modal) could have given even more impetus to fruit exports.

1.05 million tons were shipped in 2021, including citrus peels and melons.

The following graph shows a history of Brazilian fruit exports since January 2019. Data are from DataLiner:

Brazilian Fruit Exports (Chap. 08) | Jan 2019 to Oct 2021 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Boosted by domestic consumption in the Northern Hemisphere during the restrictions – and on a population with a fruit consumption habit far beyond the Brazilian one – international demand was reinforced by the depreciation of the Brazilian real.

Source: Money Times

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