exportações de trigo (wheat exports Argentina)

Wheat: Brazil set to export 25 thousand tonnes in August

Aug, 09, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202333

Brazil is anticipated to make a wheat export surge of 25 thousand tonnes in August. The data provided by the National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec) reveal a contrast from the previous month’s shipment of 68.44 thousand tonnes.

August 2022 saw a complete absence of wheat exports. This year, the total for 2023 currently stands at 2.428 million tonnes, witnessing a decline from the 3.201 million tonnes of the previous year.

Recent data encompassing the week ended August 5 displays a dearth of shipments. However, projections for the week ended on August 12 forecast a resurgence, estimating a substantial export of 25 thousand tonnes.

Source: Canal Rural

To read the original story, click on: https://www.canalrural.com.br/noticias/agricultura/trigo-exportacoes-do-brasil-devem-chegar-a-25-mil-t-em-agosto-diz-anec/

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