exportações de trigo (wheat exports Argentina)

Wheat: Brazil to export 114.941 k tonnes in November

Dec, 01, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202248

Data disclosed by Brazil’s National Exporters Association (Anec) forecast that the country should ship 114.941 thousand tonnes in November. The last time Brazil exported the cereal was in May.

From Nov 20-26, Brazil shipped 71,500 thousand tonnes. For the week ending on December 3, 73.3441 thousand tonnes are scheduled for exports. Last November, shipments totaled 59.1 thousand tonnes. Year-to-date, shipments have reached the threshold of 2.509 million tonnes.


As for wheat imports, Brazil should bring in about 6.2 million tonnes in 2022/23. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in the 21/22 MY, Brazil bought 6.582 million tonnes. Start-of-the-year stocks are estimated at 44 thousand tonnes.

See below the track record of the volume of wheat (hs 1001) imported by Brazil between Jan 2019 and Sept 2022. The data is from DataLiner.

Wheat imports – Brazil | Jan 2019 – Sep 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Domestic Brazilian output is projected at 9.4 million tonnes. Thus, the supply is expected at 16.043 million tonnes. Exports should grow from 3.105 million tonnes in the 21/22 marketing year to 3.3 million in 22/23. Domestic consumption is estimated at 12 million tonnes. End stocks should be at 743 thousand tonnes.

Source: Canal Rural

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.canalrural.com.br/radar/trigo-brasil-deve-importar-62-milhoes-de-toneladas-em-2022-23/  e https://www.canalrural.com.br/radar/trigo-brasil-tem-embarques-programados-de-114941-mi-t-para-novembro/

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