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White Martins studies green hydrogen project at Porto do Açu (RJ)

Apr, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202217

White Martins, a supplier of industrial and medical gases, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Porto do Açu to assess the feasibility of producing green hydrogen at the port complex in São João da Barra (RJ).

Under the agreement terms, Porto do Açu will carry out a study to collect data on the feasibility of using green hydrogen (H2V) in the region.

White Martins will use the results to determine the possibility of installing a green hydrogen-producing plant, as well as a plant dedicated to producing green ammonia in the port.

Linde, the parent company of White Martins, has technical expertise in electrolysis —an essential process for the production of H2V. The company also operates reformers, which produce green hydrogen from biomethane.

Prospects of green  hydrogen in Ceará and Rio Grande do Sul

The company is exploring the production of green hydrogen in locations other than Porto do Açu. Linde has also signed an MOU with the government of Ceará to investigate the feasibility of investing in H2V in the state.

In fact, White Martins was the first company to sign an agreement with the Pecém Industrial Port Complex in Ceará to formalize its interest in participating in the Green Hydrogen Hub project there.

In December, the company also signed a memorandum of understanding for constructing and operating an industrial plant for H2V and green ammonia in Rio Grande do Sul.

Source: EPBR

To read the full original article, please go to: https://epbr.com.br/white-martins-estuda-projeto-de-hidrogenio-verde-no-porto-do-acu-rj/

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