Ports and Terminals

Wilson Sons attains world-class safety ratings in the Tugboats division

Mar, 18, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202112

The Wilson Sons Tugboat business unit has achieved world-class status in safety, a standard of excellence defined by DuPont, a world reference consulting firm in the sector.

With a fleet of 80 tugs and more than 800 employees – 567 of whom are seafarers – the business unit managed to reduce the accident rate with lost time by 97% in the last nine years. Last year, the rate of accidents with lost time was 0.29 and, in the three-year period, 0.41, both below the index of 0.50, a benchmark for the performance of a world-class company. In 2019, this index was also below 0.50, at 0.33.

“JAM, the corporate network that connects the Group’s eight business units, was one of the instruments we used. The platform gave us the freedom to develop and provide multimedia products, which are more attractive and explanatory. It also permitted us to streamline various processes and allowed those at sea to access materials online”, explains Marcio Castro, executive director of the Tugboats division.

“Wilson Sons has been making major investments in security for ten years with the “WS+” program. The advances have been significant and we are now celebrating this new milestone in the Tugboats division. It is a significant achievement that demonstrates efficiency in risk management and, above all, our dedication to preserving the health and integrity of our employees and the environment”, explains Castro.

In 2019, the Group reached the level of Interdependence, the maximum stage in the degree of perception of safety culture, according to research carried out in partnership with DuPont. Of the more than 1,000 companies in the world that are assessed, only 50 have achieved this classification.

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