Ports and Terminals

Wilson Sons will provide services for the TotalEnergies project in the Campos Basin

Sep, 24, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202137

Wilson Sons signed a contract with TotalEnergies EP Brasil to provide logistical support for the drilling campaign in Block C-M-541, located in the Campos Basin. The project will be managed by Base Rio, the company’s offshore support base located in the port region of Rio de Janeiro, in Guanabara Bay.

TotalEnergies expanded its presence as an operator in the Brazilian pre-salt in October 2019 by acquiring a 40% stake in Block C-M-541, in the 16th ANP round of bidding. The consortium partners are QP Brasil Ltda. (40%) and PETRONAS Petroleo Brasil Ltda. (20%).

The logistic support contract with Wilson Sons lasts for 20 months and includes the management of the port operation and cargo unloading and storage, in addition to environmental services such as tanks cleaning and waste management.

The contract strengthens Base Rio’s strategic position as a service center for the Santos and Campos basins. The unit has five berths, extensive storage infrastructure, drinking water, a fluids plant, warehouses for storage of chemicals and waste, and a complete administrative office structure. In addition to Base Rio, Wilson Sons has a second private use port (TUP) in Niterói with three berths, which proves the company’s ample capacity in the region.

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