pork exports / carne suína

YTD pork exports remain high at 11.29%

Dec, 08, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202147

Year-to-date Brazilian pork exports (considering all products, including fresh and processed) up through November this year already surpass the 1.024 million tons exported during the entire year of 2020.

The numbers are from ABPA (the Brazilian association of animal protein), which points to an increase of 11.29% in 2021 compared to the same period last year when 940,900 tons were exported. In revenue, sector sales totaled US$ 2.449 billion, a growth of 17.8% compared to the US$ 2.079 billion sales generated in the same period in 2020

Considering only the month of November, pork exports totaled 79,300 tons, a decrease of 9.4% compared to the 87,500 tons exported during the same period in 2020.

Revenue from November exports reached US$ 170.6 million, a decrease of 15.9% compared to the US$ 202.7 million generated in the same month of 2020.

See below a history of Brazilian pork exports from 2019 onwards. Data are from DataLiner:

Brazilian Pork Exports (HS 0203) | Jan 2019 to Oct 2021 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


Pork sales to China, the main export destination, totaled 503,800 tons between January and November, 7.5% more than in the same period last year. Other highlights were Chile, with 57,600 tons (+49%); Vietnam, with 40,200 tons (+2.6%); Uruguay, with 38,700 tons (+5.9%); and Argentina, with 32,400 tons (89.9%).

Source: Canal Rural

To read the complete original article, access the link: https://www.canalrural.com.br/noticias/exportacoes-de-carne-suina-mantem-alta-de-1129/

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