Ports and Terminals

YTD Santos container handling reaches 3.2 mi TEU January-August

Sep, 24, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202137

Container handling at the Port of Santos in August, 408,000 TEU, grew 26.2% YoY for the month, contributing to the year-to-date performance of 3.2 million TEU, a growth of 20% over the same period in 2020.

The overall movement of cargo from January – August 2021 reached 101.0 million tons, an increase of 3.1% over the volume operated in the same period in 2020. Imports totaled 28.7 million tons, a growth of 12.5 % over the same period last year. Exports totaled 72.3 million tons, a slight drop of 0.2% over the 2020 result.

Liquid bulk increased 0.3% over the same period last year, accumulating 12.1 million tons in 2021, the highest level for the period. The positive result was guaranteed by increased shipments of diesel oil (+45.8%), followed by fuel oil (+26.1) and citrus juices (+27.6%).

Solid bulk decreased by 4.6% during the first 8 months of the year, to 50.4 million tons, compared to 2020. Despite this reduction, it is characterized as the second-best result for the period. Fertilizer imports showed strong growth both in the year-to-date (22.6%) and in August (39.3%).

August movement – ​​the monthly movement reached 12.1 million tons, a reduction of 12.1% compared to August 2020, portraying the agribusiness situation which has been suffering from weather conditions. August imports grew by 25.0%, mainly as a result of imports of containers and fertilizers, which rose by 41.6% and 39.3%, respectively. August exports registered a reduction of 23.2%. The drop was mainly due to the decrease in exports of sugar (-35.3%) and corn (-46.5%). Liquid bulk registered the best results for the month of August, with a 0.3% increase, reflecting the growth in exports of diesel oil (84.6%), fuel oils (46.0%), and citrus juices (34.7%).

See below a comparison of the long-haul cargo handling at the Port of Santos since 2017. Data are from DataLiner:

Long-haul handling at the Port of Santos | Jan to July 2017-2021 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


The number of berthings during the year decreased, showing the greater movement capacity of ships passing through the Port of Santos. In August, there was a reduction of 8.0% compared to 2020, with 391 berthings (425 in the same month last year). In the first eight months of this year, there was a 1.9% drop, with 3,242 berthings (3,305 in the same period in 2020).

Trade Flow

The YTD share participation of Port of Santos in the Brazilian trade flow was 27.1% in August. About 27% of these commercial transactions with foreign countries that went through the Port of Santos had China as a partner country. São Paulo remains the state with the highest share participation in commercial transactions abroad through the Port of Santos (56.3%).

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