ANTT publica novo calendário para renovação da concessão ferroviária
jan, 15, 2019 Postado pordatamarnewsSemana201903
A Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) publicou um novo cronograma para a renovação antecipada de concessões ferroviárias, com o objetivo de atrair investimentos de US$8 bilhões. A agência divulgou que tanto a MRS Logistics quanto Central Atlantic Railway (FCA) vão ter audiências públicas para discutir a renovação das concessões em fevereiro.
A MRS, responsável por uma rede ferroviária de 1.645 km que se estende por três estados, enfrentou atrasos devido a negociações pendentes sobre um acordo para investir no anel viário de São Paulo, enquanto a FCA está classificando a viabilidade econômica das linhas não utilizadas.
Além disso, a ANTT informou que os relatórios finais serão divulgados neste mês sobre a Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas (EFVM) e a Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC), ambos operados pela Vale. Uma audiência pública já foi realizada para a Ferrovia Paulista, operada pela Rumo. O Tribunal de Contas (TCU) ainda está revisando a concessão para este, bem como a EFC e a EFVM.
Supporting sources:
Brazil sets timetable for renewal of railway concessions
BRAZIL’s National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) has released a new timetable for the early renewal of rail freight concessions, which is expected to unlock investment worth more than Reais 30bn ($US 8bn).
According to the agency, public hearings will be held next month to discuss the renewal of concessions held by MRS Logistics and Central Atlantic Railway (FCA), which is operated by VLI, and MRS Logistics, although specific dates have not been disclosed.
In addition, ANTT says final reports will be released on the Vitória-Minas Railway (EFVM) this month and for the Carajás Railway (EFC) in February. Both railways are operated by Vale.
Public hearings for the MRS and FCA concessions were due to begin last September.
In the case of MRS, the delay is due to negotiations on agreement for investment in the Ferroanel de São Paulo ring line. The project will divert freight trains away from lines currently shared with suburban trains operated by Paulista Metropolitan Trains Company (CPTM).
MRS is responsible for a 1645km metre-gauge network in three states in the Southeast region. FCA meanwhile is negotiating the return of disused lines.
Public hearings have already been held for the Rumo-operated Paulista Railway, with the concession under review by Brazil’s Court of Auditors (TCU), as well as EFC and EFVM
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