Campo petrolífero da Petrobras recebe ofertas da PetroRio e da Karoon Energy
jan, 08, 2019 Postado pordatamarnewsSemana201902
A PetroRio SA do Brasil e a Karoon Energy Ltd da Austrália fizeram licitações para o campo de petróleo Bauna, localizado na bacia de Santos, um campo de águas rasas de propriedade da Petrobras, e parte de seu programa de alienação de US $ 26,9 bilhões. É um dos maiores ativos de produção maduros da Petrobras, com produção de petróleo de cerca de 34.000 barris por dia. Ambas as empresas tentaram adquirir participações no campo de Bauna em 2016. Seus esforços não tiveram sucesso, embora a Karoon tenha superado a oferta de US$500 milhões da PetroRio. O mandato da concessão é até 2040.
Fontes usadas:
Exclusive: Petrobras oilfield gets bids from PetroRio, Karoon Energy – sources
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – Brazil’s PetroRio SA (PRIO3.SA) and Australia’s Karoon Energy Ltd (KAR.AX) are among the bidders for a mature shallow water oilfield owned by Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETR4.SA), according to two sources speaking on condition of anonymity, as the state-run oil major marches ahead with an ambitious divestment program.
FILE PHOTO: A man walks in front of the Brazil’s state-run Petrobras oil company headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Sergio Moraes
With oil production of about 34,000 barrels per day, the Bauna field in Brazil’s Santos Basin is among the largest mature production assets in Petrobras’ $26.9 billion divestment portfolio.
While the sources did not disclose a potential value, PetroRio had previously placed a bid of about $500 million for Bauna in 2016 that was ultimately unsuccessful. Oil prices LCOc1 CLc1 have increased moderately since then.
The slightly more productive Pampo and Enchova clusters in the adjacent Campos Basin, which are being sold together, were seen as fetching bids of around $1 billion in June.
Karoon and Petrobras declined to comment. PetroRio did not respond to a request for comment.
One of the sources said that other bidders were involved in the auction which closed late last year, and it was possible neither PetroRio nor Karoon would emerge as the winner for the concession set to last through 2040. Petrobras could enter exclusive talks with one of the bidders in a matter of weeks, the sources said.
This is the second time PetroRio and Karoon have attempted to purchase Bauna.
Karoon had entered into exclusive negotiations in 2016 to purchase Bauna as well as the Tartaruga Verde field, which has recently started producing, though that process was scuttled following a court injunction.
Karoon at that time beat out PetroRio’s $500 million bid, which was geared strictly toward Bauna.
For PetroRio, the asset fits well with the independent oil firm’s strategy of acquiring stakes in mature oil fields to boost their productivity.
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