Exportações de móveis no Rio Grande do Sul crescem 26% em agosto

nov, 21, 2018 Postado pordatamarnews


Segundo a Organização Internacional de Madeiras Tropicais (ITTO), o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que produz a maior parte do mobiliário em madeira do país, exportou principalmente para os EUA e Uruguai (15% cada) e o Reino Unido (14%) entre o período de janeiro e agosto. O Núcleo de Inteligência de Mercado IEMI informou que o estado teve um aumento de 26% nas exportações de móveis em agosto, contabilizando uma receita de exportação de US$ 17,8 milhões.




Fontes usadas

URL: https://www.lesprom.com/en/news/Brazil_Rio_Grande_do_Sul_furniture_exports_increased_by_26_in_August_86098/

Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul furniture exports increased by 26% in August

Date: 16/11/2018
Manufacturers in Rio Grande do Sul account for most of the wooden furniture production in Brazil. Between January to August 2018 furniture manufacturers in the State of Rio Grande do Sul exported mainly to the United States and Uruguay (15% each) and the United Kingdom (14%), as ITTO reported.
In August there was a 26% increase in furniture exports from Rio Grande do Sul State compared to the previous month. The value of these exports was $17.8 million according to IEMI – Market Intelligence Institute.
The president of the Furniture Industry Association of Rio Grande do Sul (MOVERGS) has said his association is pleased to see the increase in foreign currency earnings which is a result of manufacturers beating the competition in international markets.
But, there are challenges. As the currency weakens manufacturing inputs such as imported components used in the manufacture of furniture become more expensive and planning production and pricing becomes a nightmare if exchange rates are volatile.

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