Países sul-americanos vão ultrapassar EUA como principais exportadores de soja em 2019
dez, 03, 2018 Postado pordatamarnewsSemana201849
Conforme a China vem buscando fontes alternativas para sua importação de soja, países sul-americanos vem ultrapassando os EUA como líder de exportações da commodity. A Argentina prevê produzir mais que 50m de toneladas de soja em 2019, das quais 15m devem ser exportadas. Embarques para a China devem aumentar de uma média de 7-8m toneladas nos últimos anos, para 10-12 toneladas em 2019. Enquanto isso o Brazil estima produzir um recorde de 120-125 toneladas no próximo ano.
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South American soybean exports to China to see sharp increase as US loses out
The US is about to lose its leading position in global soybean exports to South American countries in 2019 as China seeks new import sources under the impact of the escalating China-US trade war, industrial sources said.
It is estimated that Argentina, a major global soybean producer, will raise its soy exports to China from an average of 7-8 million tons in the past several years, up to 10-15 million tons in 2019, Nicolas Pawlusiak, a spokesperson with the Rosario Board of Trade (BCR), which is based in Santa Fe, Argentina, told the Global Times on Thursday.
The growth in soybean exports from South American countries is caused by the decline in US exports to China, Pawlusiak said.
“Total soybean production in Argentina in 2019 is expected to be more than 50 million tons, of which 15 million tons are for the export market, most of which will be sold to China. It’s twice the average of the past five years,” Pawlusiak said.
Zou Yesheng, deputy general manager of COFCO International Argentina estimated that China’s soybean imports from Argentina will average 10-12 million tons in 2019. The US exported 30 million tons to China annually in past years.
Brazil, another major soybean producer, is predicted to produce a record high of 120-125 million tons in 2019.
Analysts said the spike in production from South America will challenge the US’ leading position in global supply. And increase of US soybean inventories, combined with the changes in the global market will influence the pricing system.
Argentine President Mauricio Macri’s government hoped to announce the soymeal-to-China agreement at the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires at the end of this month, Reuters reported on November 29.
There is no specific timetable yet for the deal to be signed between the two countries, several sources told the Global Times.
This year Argentina resumed soybean oil exports to China after three years, Pawlusiak said.
Pawlusiak said that he believes if trade tensions between China and the US keep escalating, South American soybean meal and soybean oil will also likely to see rising exports to China.
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