T-Mult bateu recorde com 655 mil toneladas movimentadas em 2018
jan, 27, 2019 Postado pordatamarnewsSemana201905
O Terminal Multicargas (T-Mult) do Porto do Açu fechou 2018 com um recorde de 655 mil toneladas de carga movimentada, alta de 16% A / A e 12 vezes mais do que quando começou em 2016. No ano passado o terminal recebeu mais de 22 mil caminhões e 22 navios , incluindo um navio Panamax, com sete produtos diferentes manipulados (coque, carvão, bauxita, gipsita, carga geral e veículos) para um total de 15 clientes diferentes. Atingiu níveis internacionais de produtividade, com uma taxa de descarga diária de 22.000 toneladas.
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Multicargas Terminal of Açu Port closes 2018 with 655 thousand tons moved
The Multicargas Terminal (T-Mult) of Açu Port handled more than 655 thousand tons during the year 2018. This number represents a 16% increase in relation to last year and 12 times more than in 2016, when the terminal was inaugurated. Also during the last year, T-MULT received more than 22,000 trucks and 22 vessels, operating 7 different products for a total of 15 customers, double the amount of the previous year. In addition, the terminal reached international levels of productivity, with a record of unloading of around 22 thousand ton / day.
According to Ideraldo Goulart, Operations Director at Açu Port, the figures reflect the advances made by Terminal Multicargas and consolidate it as an excellent option for the import and export of products: “The results of T-MULT are very satisfactory. We have expanded the types of freight handling and customers served. We closed 2018 over the previous years and we started 2019 on the right foot, totaling 136 thousand tons, so far, “said the executive.
In its last operation of 2018, during a coke drive, T-MULT received the third Panamax-type ship in the history of the terminal. About 29 thousand tons of cargo were unloaded and will be shipped to Minas Gerais. This year, two more coke vessels have already been received, as well as two other coal-loaded vessels and project cargo.
The commercial director of Açu Operations Port, Tessa Major, highlights the differentials of Terminal Multicargas: “In addition to presenting integrated logistics solutions for entry and exit of cargoes, another attraction of T-MULT is to be a 100% private terminal, which allows the development of customized projects, according to the interests of each client “.
The Multicargas Terminal currently operates coke, coal, bauxite, gypsum, general cargo and projects, and is authorized to operate any type of solid bulk and vehicles. Açu Port Operations is also developing a project to create the necessary infrastructure for container handling
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